

godocument.config.json is the configuration file for your application. It contains the necessary information to generate your website's routes.

The order of items in godocument.config.json will determine the order of your pages in your website.

Here is the base configuration needed to generate a site using Godocument:

    "docs": {
        "Introduction": "/"

The /docs directory and the /docs/ file are required for Godocument. Also, the json object "docs" must be named "docs" and the first entry beneath "docs" must be "Introduction": "/". Failing to meet these requirements will result in a panic.


The entries in godocument.config.json can either be pages or sections. Let's start with pages.

To denote a page, simply create a key-value pair with the key being the name of the page and the value being the file path to the .md file for the page. You can name pages whatever you would like.

All file paths in godocument.config.json are relative to /docs. This means you do not have to the include /docs in your file paths as Godocument assumes all your markdown files are in /docs.

Here is how you would add a new page to the base configuration:

    "docs": {
        "Introduction": "/",
        "New Page": "/"

After adding the page to godocument.config.json you will need to create the associated file. From the root of your application, run:

touch /docs/

Then, add the following lines to /docs/

# New Page

I created a new page using Godocument!

From the root of your application, run go run main.go and view the results at localhost:8080.


Sections are named areas of your website which contain a series of pages. Sections can also contain sub-sections. In godocument.config.json, a section can be denoted by creating an object. For example:

    "docs": {
        "Introduction": "/",
        "New Section": {

After creating a section, you can add pages within it:

    "docs": {
        "Introduction": "/",
        "New Section": {
            "About": "/new-section/" 

You can also add sub-sections:

    "docs": {
        "Introduction": "/",
        "New Section": {
            "About": "/new-section/",
            "More Info": {
                "Origins": "/new-section/more-info/"

Create the corresponding files and directories:

mkdir /docs/new-section
touch /docs/new-section/
mkdir /docs/new-section/more-info
touch /docs/new-section/more-info/

Add the following content to /docs/new-section/

# About

I created a page within a section using Godocument!

Then, add the following lines to /docs/new-section/more-info/

# Origins

I created a page within a sub-section using Godocument!

To test the results, run go run main.go from the root of your application and visit localhost:8080

/docs structure

Godocument does not require you to structure your /docs directory in any particular way, BUT it is highly recommended to have your /docs directory mirror the structure of your godocument.config.json file.

For example, here is a godocument.config.json file which does not follow the proper conventions.

The example below does not follow the recommended conventions for godocument.config.json.

        "Introduction": "/",
        "More Info": {
            "About": "/"

It does not follow the conventions because / should have a file path which mirrors the structure of godocument.config.json.

To correct the above godocument.config.json make the changes below.

    "docs": {
        "More Info": {
            "About": "/more-info/"

Such a change will ensure that the /docs directory mirrors the structure of godocument.config.json, as recommended.

Customizing Titles

Godocument autogenerates titles based off the keys provided in the "docs" section of godocument.config.json. For example, a key value pair of "Introduction": "/" would render a title of Godocument - Introduction when visiting the introduction page.

All pags titles will be prefixed with "Godocument - " until you specify otherwise in the "meta" section of godocument.config.json.

To modify title prefixes, set the following config:

    ... your "docs" section,
    "meta": {
        "title": "Custom Title Prefix"

Doing this will prefix all autogenerated titles with, Custom Title Prefix - .

Hot Reloading

Air is a binary that provides hot-reloading functionality. It can be installed using:

go install

Just be sure your Go binaries are registered in your $PATH.

All the configuration needed to implment Air properly in Godocument is included in .air.toml.

When running Air, a /tmp directory will be generated. /tmp is already included in your .gitignore and you can disregard it during development.

To enable hot-reloading, go to the root of your project and run:
